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四魂の窓 (The 4-Soul Window)





















The 4-Soul Window

          The 4-Soul Window


Part 1. Let’s diagnose your friend!


     Would you like to know your personality only with two questions?

The technology of “4-soul window” was developed from the ancient concept of human mind, traced back to 1300 years ago. Everyone has 4 souls in your mind. Let’s diagnose the strongest soul in yourself!


●The first question is “Are you passionate or calm?”

(Of course, you have both traits, but which is stronger?)

●The second question is “Are you rational or sentimental?”

So the strongest soul is:

“Courage,” You may seek achievement or justice in life.

Ultimate level of this soul is to seek the noble cause.


Courage, Harmony, Love, Intellect”

     Each soul has a different view of the world and different value in life.

Certainly, you have all 4 souls. But depending on the balance or strengths of the 4 souls, you will see the world differently. First of all, you should see, “Which soul is the strongest for you?”




Part2. Distinguish between mind and soul.


We differentiate the soul from the mind.

Our mind is always fluctuating, depending on the situation.

The soul is stable and immovable. It navigates you to right direction in life


 The souls that are diagonal to each other are opposite souls. Your opposite is “Intellect.” You and the opposite don’t usually get along with each other in mind. But the opposites are good in soul, because he can see what you don’t look at. We can only see what we value. You cannot see pitfalls in life.

If you can get along with the opposite, your life will make progress.



Part3. Cognitive Biases 


Each soul has its own cognitive bias.

If someone tells you something for you, you may feel like:


   “I am hindered.” This is a bias of “Courage.”

     “I am useless.” This is a bias of “Harmony”.

   “You dislike me” or “I am not loved.” These are biases of “Love”.

   “Intellect” has a bias “I am regarded as a fool.”




Part4. What is the value of this technology?


There is a lot of research on the subject of “Who do you like the best?”

The answer is a person who fully understands your mind.

You like a person who fully understands you.

But few people can understand you to the soul level.

If you understand a person to the soul level, you will become his soul mate.


    You can make differences in management and communication by knowing each other’s value in life and biases on how you and others see the world.





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